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Blockchain, AI and Spatial Computing Converge – Web3 Defined with Amy Peck

Join us as we sit down with Amy Peck, a leading voice in XR (Extended Reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and blockchain technology, to discuss the transformative power of these emerging technologies. 

From the creator economy to the future of work, Amy shares her insights on how XR and AI are reshaping the way we engage with the world around us. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a business professional, or simply curious about the future, this conversation is packed with valuable insights and predictions.

 What You'll Learn:

  • The impact of XR and spatial computing on storytelling and customer engagement.

  • How blockchain technology can enhance security and create a new economic model based on abundance.

  • The role of AI in simplifying workflows and unlocking new creative avenues.

  • Challenges and opportunities in achieving wider adoption of these technologies.

  • Exciting trends and the potential future of XR, AI, and blockchain.

Revolutionizing Creativity and Ownership: The Digital Frontier

Imagine a world where your creativity knows no bounds and your digital creations are as valuable as physical ones. Welcome to the future of the digital economy, where the lines between the physical and digital worlds blur, and new technologies like blockchain, AI, and spatial computing are reshaping how we create, share, and own content.

In this exploration, we'll uncover how blockchain is empowering creators by providing a secure way to claim ownership of their digital assets, how AI is unlocking new avenues for creativity and personal growth, and how spatial computing is transforming our interactions with the digital world. From the rise of NFTs to the potential of XR in various sectors, we're standing at the cusp of a digital revolution that promises to redefine our economic, social, and personal landscapes.

The impact of these technologies extends far beyond the tech-savvy; it heralds a new era of digital creativity and ownership that could democratize access to the digital economy for creators worldwide. It's not just about the future of technology; it's about the future of how we live, work, and express ourselves.

Curious about how this will all unfold? Let's deep-dive into the details and discover the possibilities that lie ahead.

The Creator Economy and Blockchain

The Concept of the Creator Economy

The creator economy represents a significant shift in how individuals produce, share, and monetize content. It's a burgeoning ecosystem that empowers creators to harness digital platforms to reach a global audience directly, bypassing traditional gatekeepers like publishers and studios. This economy thrives on the principles of creativity, community, and collaboration, allowing individuals to turn their passions into professions. The essence of the creator economy lies in its ability to democratize content creation and distribution, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a unique voice or skill.

The Role of Blockchain in the Creator Economy

Blockchain technology plays a pivotal role in the evolution of the creator economy by offering a decentralized and transparent framework for transactions and interactions. At its core, blockchain provides a secure and immutable ledger, perfect for establishing trust in a digital space where creators and consumers interact directly. This technology enables creators to have true ownership of their digital assets, from art and music to virtual real estate and beyond. Through smart contracts, blockchain automates the execution of agreements, ensuring creators are fairly compensated for their work without the need for intermediaries.

The Shift from Scarcity to Abundance in the Economy

Traditionally, economies have operated on the principle of scarcity, where the value of goods and services increases with their rarity. However, the creator economy, bolstered by blockchain, is ushering in an era of abundance. This paradigm shift views content and digital assets not as finite resources to be hoarded but as seeds of creativity that can be shared, remixed, and expanded upon. The focus shifts from competing for a slice of the pie to growing the pie itself, encouraging a culture of openness and innovation. This abundance mindset fosters a more inclusive and dynamic economic environment where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and benefit.

The Potential of Blockchain for Proving Ownership and Provenances

One of the most transformative aspects of blockchain in the context of the creator economy is its ability to prove ownership and provenances of digital assets. This capability is critical in a digital world where copying and distributing content is effortless. Blockchain's transparent and immutable ledger ensures that the origin and ownership history of digital assets are easily verifiable, protecting creators' intellectual property rights. Moreover, this technology opens up new avenues for creators to monetize their work through mechanisms like NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), which provide a unique, blockchain-based certificate of ownership for digital assets. By proving provenances, blockchain not only secures creators' rights but also adds value to digital creations, making them collectible and tradable in ways previously unimaginable.

Amy Peck on the Web3 CMO Stories podcast

The Transformation of Business Engagement through XR and Spatial Computing

Extended Reality (XR) and spatial computing are rapidly transforming the way businesses engage with their customers, offering unprecedented opportunities for interaction and storytelling. As technologies like the Apple Vision Pro make their way into the market, brands and companies are finding innovative ways to weave narratives around their products and services. This evolution in customer engagement is not just about being present across physical stores, online platforms, or mobile devices; it's about creating a seamless narrative that spans all customer touchpoints, from the store to the home and everywhere in between.

The power of storytelling in brand promotion is being redefined through XR and spatial computing. Traditional advertising methods are giving way to immersive experiences that evoke a lifestyle, not just a product purchase. This approach allows brands to engage with their customers on a deeper level, creating emotional connections and fostering brand loyalty. Whether it's a luxury fashion brand inviting customers into a virtual world that mirrors its ethos or a tech company demonstrating the real-world applications of its products, XR offers a dynamic canvas for storytelling.

Moreover, the potential of XR to engage customers in new ways is vast and varied. Beyond simply viewing content on a screen, customers can now interact with brands in three-dimensional spaces, experiencing products and services in context. This immersive engagement is not limited to consumer brands; even in a business-to-business (B2B) setting, companies can leverage XR to present their offerings in a more compelling and understandable manner. By enabling customers to experience products or services in a simulated real-world environment, businesses can significantly enhance comprehension and interest.

A key advantage of spatial computing is its ability to provide context and location awareness. This technology understands the user's physical environment and can tailor experiences accordingly. For instance, a customer exploring furniture in an augmented reality (AR) app can see how a piece would look in their actual living room, considering the room's dimensions and lighting. This level of personalization and relevance in customer engagement was previously unreachable. Spatial computing not only enriches the customer experience but also empowers businesses to offer solutions that are truly in tune with their customers' needs and environments.

The Non-Hype Strategies in Emerging Tech and Misconceptions about XR

In the rapidly evolving world of emerging technologies, it's easy to get caught up in the hype. However, adopting a non-hype strategy towards these advancements, particularly in extended reality (XR) and artificial intelligence (AI), can lead to more meaningful and sustainable applications. This approach emphasizes understanding the core functionalities and potential impacts of technologies rather than getting distracted by speculative financial gains or market trends. By focusing on what technologies enable, such as enhanced workflows or improved quality of life, businesses and individuals can leverage them in ways that genuinely add value.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), for instance, has the potential to revolutionize how we live and work. Beyond the buzzwords and market predictions, AI's real value lies in its ability to automate mundane tasks, analyze vast amounts of data for insights, and even augment human creativity. This can lead to significant improvements in productivity, allowing individuals and businesses to focus on innovation and strategic tasks. An example of AI's impact can be seen in how it simplifies workflows, such as automating content creation or streamlining customer service processes, freeing up time for more meaningful work.

Despite the potential, there are misconceptions about XR and the metaverse that need to be addressed. Some view these technologies as merely tools for entertainment or speculative investments. However, when looked at through the lens of non-hype strategies, XR and the metaverse present opportunities for profound changes in how we interact with digital content and with each other. They offer immersive experiences that can enhance education, healthcare, and remote work, making them more engaging and effective. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of these technologies, we can better envision their role in shaping a future where digital and physical realities coalesce seamlessly.

The conversation around emerging tech often revolves around their potential market size or investment returns. While these aspects are important, they shouldn't overshadow the technologies' ability to address real-world challenges. By leading with a focus on lifestyle improvements, humanity, and problem-solving, the adoption of XR, AI, and other emerging technologies can be driven by their potential to enhance lives rather than just their economic benefits. This shift in perspective is essential for fostering innovation that is both impactful and inclusive, ensuring that the advancements in technology truly benefit society as a whole.

The Impact of XR on Various Sectors and the Future of XR

The transformative power of Extended Reality (XR) is not confined to any single industry; rather, it has the potential to revolutionize every sector. This might come as a surprise to some, but when you consider the capabilities of XR, it becomes clear that its impact is indeed universal. From healthcare to education, retail to manufacturing, XR offers immersive experiences that can significantly enhance how businesses operate and how they interact with their customers. The ability to create virtual environments that mimic the real world or conjure entirely new, fantastical spaces opens up endless possibilities for innovation and engagement.

One of the most compelling uses of XR is in understanding business operations. By overlaying digital information onto the physical world, companies can gain insights into their processes in ways that were previously unimaginable. For instance, a factory manager can use XR to visualize the entire production line, identify bottlenecks, and understand workflow dynamics without ever stepping onto the factory floor. This not only saves time but also allows for a level of analysis and optimization that can dramatically improve efficiency and productivity.

Furthermore, XR's capability to visualize data brings a new dimension to decision-making. Traditional data visualization tools are limited to 2D screens, but XR environments can represent data in three dimensions, making it more intuitive and accessible. Imagine being able to walk through a virtual representation of your company's sales data, seeing high-performing regions towering above others, or exploring a 3D model of your customer demographics. This level of interaction with data is not just engaging; it provides a depth of understanding that can lead to more informed decisions and innovative solutions.

Looking towards the future of XR and spatial computing, it's clear that these technologies will play a pivotal role in both work and lifestyle. The advent of devices like the Apple Vision Pro hints at a future where XR integrates seamlessly into our daily lives, enhancing everything from professional tasks to personal entertainment. In the workplace, XR can facilitate remote collaboration that feels as natural as being in the same room, thanks to lifelike avatars and shared virtual spaces. At home, it could transform mundane tasks like cooking into interactive, immersive experiences. As these technologies continue to evolve, the boundary between digital and physical realities will blur, creating a world where our digital interactions are as rich and meaningful as our physical ones.

The challenges ahead, such as device comfort and interoperability, are significant but not insurmountable. As we address these issues, the adoption of XR will likely accelerate, leading to more widespread use across all sectors. The potential for XR to enhance understanding, optimize operations, and revolutionize both work and lifestyle is immense. As we stand on the cusp of this new era, it's exciting to imagine the myriad ways in which XR and spatial computing will shape our future.

The Role of AI in Unlocking New Creative Avenues

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just about automating tasks or analyzing vast datasets; it's about redefining the way we approach creativity and leisure. The potential of AI to give back time to individuals is immense. In a world where the lines between work and home have blurred, especially highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, AI stands as a beacon of hope for reclaiming those lost moments. Instead of succumbing to the temptation of filling every spare minute with more work, AI can help redirect that time towards more fulfilling pursuits. This shift is not just about having more leisure time but about enhancing the quality of that time through creative exploration and learning.

Imagine having the freedom to explore new interests, learn new skills, or even create art without the constraints of time. AI can serve as a personal assistant, curating learning resources, or suggesting activities based on your interests and past behaviors. This could range from writing music to learning a new language, or diving into digital art creation. The story of Tony Parisi serves as a prime example. A pioneer in virtual reality who returned to his musical roots to create a rock opera, Parisi leveraged modern technology, including NFTs, to distribute his work. This not only illustrates the intersection of AI, creativity, and new economic models but also highlights how individuals can rediscover and monetize their passions in innovative ways.

The impact of AI in the music industry, particularly through the lens of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), showcases a broader trend of how AI is reshaping creative industries. By enabling artists to tokenize their work, AI and blockchain technologies are creating new avenues for artists to connect with their audience and monetize their creations in ways that were previously unimaginable. This model, where fans become part-owners of the art they love, not only fosters a deeper connection between artists and their audience but also paves the way for new forms of engagement and community-building around creative works.

Beyond individual creativity, AI's role in crafting new economic and engagement models is perhaps one of its most transformative potentials. The traditional paradigma of marketing, consumer engagement, and even the concept of ownership are being challenged and reimagined through AI. In a future where digital goods become as tangible as physical ones, the way brands interact with consumers, tell stories, and sell products will undergo a radical transformation. The idea of digital fashion, where one's appearance in the digital world can be as varied and personalized as in the physical, is just one example of how AI is blurring the lines between digital and physical realities, offering a glimpse into a future where our digital identities are as rich and complex as our real-world ones.

This era of invention, powered by AI, is not just about technological advancements but about rethinking the very fabric of our daily lives. From how we express ourselves creatively to how we engage with the economy, AI is at the forefront of a paradigm shift. It invites us to envision a future where creativity is limitless, and economic models are inclusive and adaptive, reflecting the diverse needs and contributions of individuals. As we stand on the brink of this new era, the potential for AI to unlock new creative avenues and reshape societal norms is both exhilarating and profound.

The Emergence of NFTs and Digital Goods

The resurgence of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) is painting a new picture of the digital economy, far beyond the initial craze of collectibles. NFTs are evolving into a robust platform for digital ownership and creativity, enabling artists, musicians, and creators to tokenize virtually anything of value. This shift is not merely about creating digital scarcity but about redefining what ownership means in the digital age. Through NFTs, creators can establish a direct and immutable connection with their audience, offering a piece of their art or music that carries unique value and significance. This model not only benefits the creators by providing them with a new revenue stream but also empowers consumers to become stakeholders in the success of the works they love.

The concept of ownership in the digital world is being transformed by NFTs. Traditionally, digital goods were seen as infinitely replicable with no way to distinguish an original from a copy. NFTs disrupt this notion by embedding ownership and provenience directly into the digital asset, making each piece unique and collectible. This has profound implications not just for art and music but for any digital content, including virtual real estate, digital fashion, and even identities within online communities. As we continue to spend more time in digital spaces, the desire for personalization and ownership in these realms grows, making NFTs a critical component of the digital economy.

The emergence of digital goods is reshaping our lifestyle and consumption habits. Digital goods, once considered ephemeral and lacking in value, are now coveted items that signify status, identity, and community affiliation in online spaces. From virtual clothing in video games to exclusive digital art pieces, these goods are becoming as significant as their physical counterparts. This shift is not limited to entertainment but extends to practical applications, such as digital fashion used in augmented reality (AR) applications. As digital and physical realities converge, the value and impact of digital goods on our daily lives will only increase, influencing everything from how we express ourselves to how we interact with brands and products.

The potential of AR wearables in the fashion industry is particularly exciting. Imagine wearing a simple, monochromatic outfit in the physical world while displaying a vibrant, dynamic wardrobe in the digital space through AR. This technology could allow individuals to project their digital fashion choices onto themselves, visible to others through AR glasses or smartphone cameras. This not only opens up new avenues for personal expression but also creates a new market for designers and brands to create digital-only clothing lines. As AR technology becomes more accessible, the line between digital and physical fashion will blur, offering a glimpse into a future where our digital appearances are as much a part of our identity as our physical ones.

In conclusion, the emergence of NFTs and digital goods is a testament to the ongoing digital transformation of our society. These developments challenge traditional notions of ownership, value, and identity, offering new opportunities for creativity, expression, and engagement in the digital age. As we continue to integrate digital technologies into every aspect of our lives, the impact of NFTs and digital goods will only grow, heralding a new era of digital culture and economy.

The Intersection of AI, Blockchain, and Spatial Computing

The digital frontier is rapidly evolving, with the convergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence), blockchain, and spatial computing marking the dawn of Web 3.0. This trio of technologies is not just transforming the internet as we know it but is also setting the stage for a more immersive, secure, and personalized digital experience. AI brings to the table its predictive capabilities and automation, blockchain introduces unmatched security and transparency, and spatial computing allows for a seamless integration of digital and physical worlds. Together, they create a robust foundation for Web 3.0, where digital interactions become more intuitive, engaging, and user-centric.

The role of these technologies in benefiting customers is immense. By harnessing AI, businesses can offer personalized experiences at scale, predicting customer needs and providing tailored recommendations. Blockchain, on the other hand, ensures that these interactions are secure and transparent, building trust in digital transactions. Spatial computing allows for these experiences to transcend the screen, offering interactions that are more natural and integrated into our physical environment. This synergy not only enhances the user experience but also opens up new avenues for innovation and creativity in how services and products are delivered and experienced.

Despite their potential, there is a palpable fear and misconceptions surrounding AI and blockchain. Concerns about AI leading to job displacement or blockchain being solely associated with volatile cryptocurrencies have overshadowed their broader applications and benefits. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancement has left many feeling overwhelmed and skeptical about the future. However, it's important to recognize that these technologies, when developed and applied thoughtfully, have the power to solve complex problems, streamline processes, and make our digital lives more secure and efficient.

Looking ahead, the potential of AI, blockchain, and spatial computing in redefining ownership and data management is particularly exciting. Imagine a world where you have complete control over your digital identity and personal data, thanks to blockchain's decentralized nature. AI could then use this data, with your permission, to customize digital experiences without compromising your privacy. Spatial computing could further enhance these experiences by blending them seamlessly into your physical world, making digital interactions feel more natural and integrated. This could lead to a reimagined economy where value is not just created and exchanged but is also experienced in entirely new ways, challenging our traditional notions of ownership and value.

The Future Trends and Possibilities in the Digital World

The rapid advancements in AI and its implications are undeniably shaping the future of our digital world. With each passing day, Artificial Intelligence becomes more integrated into our lives, from simplifying mundane tasks to offering groundbreaking solutions to complex problems. The pace at which AI is evolving can sometimes feel overwhelming, yet it holds the promise of a future where technology acts as an extension of human capabilities, rather than a replacement. Imagine AI agents that not only manage our schedules but also help us discover new hobbies or creative pursuits, thereby enriching our lives in ways we've yet to fully comprehend. This isn't just about automating tasks; it's about augmenting our human experience, making us more efficient, and unlocking potential we didn't know we had.

The conversation around the potential of AI and blockchain in creating new economic models is equally fascinating. These technologies combined have the power to revolutionize how we perceive ownership, value, and exchange. Blockchain's transparency and security, coupled with AI's predictive capabilities, could lead to a future where transactions and interactions are not only more secure but also more equitable. This could manifest in various ways, from how we buy and sell goods to how we consume content and even how we participate in the economy. The traditional economic models, which often rely on fixed prices and standardized marketing strategies, could give way to dynamic pricing models and personalized marketing approaches that reflect the unique preferences and values of individuals.

The concept of personalized business exchanges based on shared values and data is a testament to the transformative potential of these technologies. Imagine a scenario where, instead of a one-size-fits-all approach to business transactions, AI enables a personalized exchange of goods and services. This could be based on a multitude of factors, including shared interests, economic standing, or even mutual goals for societal impact. Such a model would not only make transactions more meaningful but could also foster a sense of community and shared purpose. It's a shift from transactional to relational, where the focus is on building connections and understanding between parties, facilitated by technology.

Ultimately, the role of technology in enabling a new era of invention and innovation is undeniable. As we stand on the brink of what many are calling the fourth industrial revolution, it's clear that AI, blockchain, and spatial computing are not just tools but catalysts for change. They offer us a canvas to reimagine and reconstruct the digital and physical worlds around us. From digital fashion that allows for expression in virtual spaces to new forms of digital art and entertainment, the possibilities are boundless. This era of invention is not just about creating new products or services but about redefining what it means to live, work, and play in a digital age. It's about architecting a future that leverages technology to enhance human creativity, connection, and community.

Wrapping It Up

As we've explored the vast landscapes of the creator economy, blockchain, XR, AI, and the digital world at large, it's clear that we're on the cusp of a transformative era. The integration of these technologies is not only redefining our digital interactions but also reshaping the very fabric of our daily lives. Here are the key takeaways:

  • The creator economy, powered by blockchain, is democratizing content creation and distribution, enabling creators to monetize their work in unprecedented ways.

  • Extended Reality (XR) and spatial computing are revolutionizing customer engagement and storytelling, offering immersive experiences that bridge the digital and physical worlds.

  • AI's role in fostering creativity and new economic models hints at a future where technology enhances our lives, making them more efficient and fulfilling.

Yet, as we embrace these advancements, one question looms: How will we ensure that these technologies remain accessible and beneficial to all, preventing a digital divide? Until we meet again, let's ponder on this and the myriad possibilities that lie ahead.

Amy Peck at Augmented World Expo


[01:19] How is XR and spatial computing transforming customer engagement for businesses? 

[03:14] What are non-hype strategies in emerging tech, and what are common misconceptions people have about XR? 

[05:50] How does blockchain technology enhance the security and functionality of XR, especially given your expertise as a writer of "Blockchain is the New Black"? 

[08:56] Are there any surprising sectors where XR is having a significant impact today? 

[12:06] How do you envision the future of XR spatial computing enhancing the FERC and its operations? 

[15:31] What are some other challenges that need to be addressed to improve XR adoption? 

[17:59] What are you most excited about these evolutions that you see in XR? 

[22:35] Are there any other developments or exciting trends that you are currently observing in the landscape? 


“AI in particular, gives us incredible superpowers.” 

“XR is having a significant impact today... I think it will impact every single sector.” 

“We can think about different ways to engage consumers and the way brands tell stories and the way they sell goods.”  

“We're building these AI algorithms to mimic the way that we're hoping that these AI agents will become human like in their thinking.” 

“Let's collectively figure out what could we do from an economic standpoint that would enable more people to participate.” 


"Blockchain is the New Black" by Amy Peck