How Web3 Empowers Girls in Tech – with Juliette Blake

Today's guest is Juliette Blake, Founder of Miss O Cool Girls and Co-Founder, Creator & Executive Producer of Miss O & Friends. We discussed how her company is leveraging NFTs and Web3 to empower girls in the tech industry.

As a leader in the Web2 space, Blake's company, Miss O & Friends, has been creating safe online spaces for girls for over 15 years. However, with the rise of Web3 and NFTs, Blake saw an opportunity to build on her existing mission and provide new opportunities for girls in the tech industry.

The world of technology has been predominantly male-dominated for decades, but that is slowly changing with the help of initiatives like Girls Who Mint, an NFT collection created by Miss Cool Girls co-founder, Juliet Blake. Blake's company has been creating safe online spaces for girls for over 15 years in the Web2 space, but she saw an opportunity to build on her existing mission and provide new opportunities for girls in the tech industry with the rise of Web3 and NFTs.

Through her work with Miss Cool Girls and other Web3 initiatives, Blake is empowering young girls and women to get involved in the world of Web3. Blake and her team have created an NFT collection that celebrates the diversity of girls around the world. The collection features over 600 hand-drawn traits, including unique features like acne, braces, and unibrows that are often left out of mainstream media.

By celebrating these traits, Blake hopes to change the toxic content narrative for girls and empower them to be change-makers in the industry. Blake recognizes that NFTs and Web3 can be daunting for many girls and parents who are not familiar with the technology. To address this, Miss Cool Girls launched Girls Who Mint, a $25,000 fund that provides $100 worth of ETH to 250 girls, women, and non-binary individuals to help lower the barrier to entry and educate them on the benefits of Web3.

In addition to Girls Who Mint, Miss Cool Girls also provides educational resources and opportunities for girls to learn about Web3 and NFTs. Blake emphasizes the importance of building a welcoming and inclusive community that represents the diverse world we live in. By providing opportunities for girls to learn and earn in a safe and protected environment, Miss Cool Girls is helping to change the face of the tech industry.

Blake shared that being active in the Web3 community has allowed her to connect with like-minded individuals who share her passion for building a more equitable future for girls and women in the space. She has been able to learn from others, share resources, and collaborate on projects that aim to empower young girls to get involved in Web3.

One of the initiatives that Blake discussed is the Girls Who Mint Fund, which provides funding for young girls to purchase Ethereum and get started in the world of Web3. The fund also supports a range of educational resources, including an education hub and Superrare Spaces gallery, aimed at empowering young girls to become digital artists and shape the future of Web3.

Blake emphasized the importance of doing in the learning process, saying that much of her knowledge in the space has come from working on projects and collaborating with partners like the Uniswap Foundation and other Web3 companies. She stressed that the best way to learn is to ask questions and connect with others who are passionate about the same issues.

The world of Web3 technology is rapidly evolving, and with it comes the need for a diverse and inclusive community that can shape its future. Blake's work with Miss Cool Girls and other Web3 initiatives highlights the need for a diverse and inclusive community that can shape the future of the technology. By empowering young girls and women to get involved in Web3, we can ensure that this technology benefits everyone and not just a select few.

Juliette Blake

KEY HIGHLIGHTS (see clickable version on

[00:34] Who is Juliette Blake? 

[01:00] What is your background and how did you become knowledgeable about Web3 and NFTs? 

[05:06] What are your objectives for your Web2 company and have they changed now that you're involved in the Web3 space, particularly with regards to empowering girls and women? 

[08:36] When and how does your NFT collection go live, and is there a community link associated with it? 

[13:34] Aside from practice, do you have any other tips for keeping oneself up to date with knowledge and education? 

[18:05] How do you feel about that being named as one of the top 100 inspirational women in Web3 by Unstoppable Domain? 

[21:43] What actions are you taking to ensure that people or these girls know about your existence? 

[23:57] Where would you like to direct people listening to this podcast? 

[25:08] Is it possible for people to connect with you personally through social media or any other means? 


"That digitally native, digitally first brand just felt so in line with so much of what Web3 was about." - Juliette Blake This quote highlights how Web3 and NFTs align with the ethos of digitally native brands, and how they can be leveraged to create new opportunities for companies in this space. 

"The rarest girls have the rarest traits. And so really being able to highlight and make those traits really unique and special and coveted, because again, these are characteristics that so many young girls all over the world, regardless of where you live or what where you fall in any type of social stratosphere go through." - Juliette Blake This quote emphasizes the importance of representing diverse 

"So much about the community that I'm learning from." 

"By being able to see these young girls already paving the way when it comes to their involvement in Web3 and really being able to shape what this technology looks like." 

"I think for anybody who is interested in Web3 or Nfts or whatever aspect of this new technology, the best thing you can do is ask a million questions because that's really how I learned." 


Twitter Spaces 

Uniswap Foundation 

Unstoppable Domains 

SuperRare Spaces / galleries 

Miss Cool Girls Twitter account (@MissCoolGirls) 

Miss Cool Girls Instagram account (@missocoolgirls.nft) 

Miss Cool Girls website ( 

Miss O Cool Girls BUIDL Education Hub too on the blog: https://


