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  • Push Protocol and Unstoppable Domains: A New Era of Messaging – with Harsh Rajat

Push Protocol and Unstoppable Domains: A New Era of Messaging – with Harsh Rajat

Can decentralized communication be the key to unlocking the true potential of Web3?  In our conversation with Harsh Rajat, we explore the evolution and impact of decentralized communication in Web3.

Harsh  is the founder and project lead of Push Protocol, formerly known as EPNS, which emerged from an ETH Global hackathon in 2020. Push Protocol is the most widely adopted Web3 communication platform, having powered over 75 million notifications to over 100,000 users since its launch in January 2021.

Introducing Push Protocol: Revolutionizing Web3 Communication

In the ever-evolving landscape of Web3, Push Protocol emerges as a groundbreaking solution, addressing the critical need for seamless communication within the decentralized realm. As the founder and project lead, Harsh Raussa, eloquently explains, Push Protocol is a decentralized communication protocol designed to bridge the gap between Web3 and the world of notifications and messaging.

The genesis of Push Protocol stems from the realization that Web3 lacked a robust communication layer, hindering the seamless integration of notifications and messaging into the decentralized ecosystem. With users' Web3 identities tied to their wallet addresses, Push Protocol empowers protocols and smart contracts to communicate directly with these wallets, delivering crucial updates, notifications, and messages tailored to each user's unique interactions within the Web3 space.

Unlocking the Power of Gated Communities

Beyond its core functionality, Push Protocol introduces an innovative concept: gated group chats. By leveraging users' on-chain wallet histories and characteristics, Push Protocol enables the creation of exclusive communities centered around shared interests, token holdings, or NFT ownership. This revolutionary approach fosters a sense of belonging and facilitates meaningful conversations among like-minded individuals within the Web3 ecosystem.

The necessity of notifications in our daily lives cannot be overstated. From the moment we wake up, we are greeted by a barrage of notifications from various apps and services, keeping us informed and connected. Whether it's an Amazon delivery update, a PayPal payment notification, an important email, or a social media alert, notifications have become an integral part of our digital existence.

However, in the realm of Web3, this crucial communication layer was sorely missing. As Harsh Raussa explains, "When you are interacting with anything on Web3, whether it's a smart contract or a protocol, the only way you are interacting with it is your wallet address. And that protocol or the smart contract only knows about this wallet address." This disconnect meant that protocols and smart contracts lacked the ability to communicate directly with users, leaving a significant gap in the Web3 experience.

Enter Push Protocol, a decentralized communication protocol designed to bridge this gap. By enabling protocols and smart contracts to send notifications, messages, and even facilitate audio/video calls directly to users' wallet addresses, Push Protocol has revolutionized the way we interact with Web3 applications.

Imagine receiving a notification that your ENS domain is about to expire, or that your DeFi loan is at risk of liquidation. Envision being alerted when your yield farming rewards are ready for claiming or when your governance vote is about to take place. These are just a few examples of how Push Protocol enhances the Web3 experience by keeping users informed and engaged with the protocols and applications they interact with.

Fostering Community Engagement

Beyond its core functionality, Push Protocol has introduced an innovative concept: gated group chats. By leveraging users' on-chain wallet histories and characteristics, such as token holdings or NFT ownership, Push Protocol enables the creation of exclusive communities centered around shared interests and experiences.

As Harsh Raussa explains, "If you are a Polygon holder, an ENS holder, a Web3 Whale, or an Unstoppable Domain OG, you can only join those groups using the gated functionality." This approach fosters a sense of belonging and facilitates meaningful conversations among like-minded individuals within the Web3 ecosystem, creating a vibrant and engaged community.

"Whatever conversation is happening over there, it's happening among people who have a like-minded interest," Harsh Raussa emphasizes, highlighting the power of these gated communities.

Harsh Rajat's Journey into Web3

Harsh Rajat's foray into the world of Web3 was a culmination of his entrepreneurial spirit and a decade-long journey in the tech industry. With a background in iOS app and game development, Harsh witnessed the evolution of notifications and messaging firsthand, recognizing their pivotal role in shaping user experiences.

In 2014, driven by a desire to explore new horizons, Harsh embarked on a self-imposed sabbatical, delving into various domains such as machine learning, AI, SaaS products, marketing, and design. This period of exploration proved instrumental in broadening his perspectives and fueling his curiosity.

The year 2016 marked a turning point when the surge in Bitcoin's value captured global attention. Intrigued by the concept of "internet money," Harsh ventured into the cryptocurrency realm, initially through arbitrage trading bots. However, his true fascination with Ethereum and blockchain technology blossomed in 2018 when he realized the potential of programmable money and decentralized applications (dApps).

"With Ethereum, I kind of realized, okay, this is the future of programmable money. And that is very huge," Harsh recounts. "At that point of time, I realized that this thing, or Ethereum enabled millions of users or millions of people who are just sitting at home, who just have an Internet connection. Now they can create a global DeFi bank, or they can create so much more on top of it."

Embracing the Web3 Experience

Driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, Harsh immersed himself in the Web3 ecosystem, joining a fintech company focused on meta-transactions and data identities on Ethereum. This hands-on experience allowed him to gain a deeper understanding of DeFi, smart contracts, and the inner workings of the blockchain.

As he delved deeper into the Web3 space, Harsh began to compare the user experiences of dApps with their Web2 counterparts. It was during this exploration that he identified a glaring gap – the absence of a robust communication layer within Web3.

"Very quickly, I realized that notifications, which is kind of the thing that drives the entire Internet, that was missing in Web3, and the entire communication was missing because after notification only you can build other forms of communication," Harsh explains.

This realization sparked the inception of Push Protocol, a solution designed to bridge the communication gap and elevate the Web3 experience to new heights.

Innovative Features of Push Protocol

Push Protocol's innovative approach extends far beyond its core functionality of enabling Web3 native notifications. The protocol has introduced a suite of features that enhance the overall Web3 experience and foster a more seamless and engaging ecosystem.

Web Native Notifications

At its core, Push Protocol enables protocols and smart contracts to send on-chain and off-chain notifications directly to users' wallet addresses. This groundbreaking feature ensures that users remain informed about critical events, such as expiring ENS domains, DeFi loan liquidations, yield farming rewards, governance votes, and more, without the need for intermediaries or centralized platforms.

Wallet-to-Wallet Messaging

Building upon the foundation of notifications, Push Protocol has introduced a wallet-to-wallet messaging system. This feature allows users to communicate directly with one another, fostering a more collaborative and interconnected Web3 community. By tying communication data to wallet addresses, Push Protocol ensures that users maintain control over their data and conversations, aligning with the principles of decentralization and self-sovereignty.

Audio and Video Calls Integration

Recognizing the importance of real-time communication, Push Protocol has integrated audio and video call capabilities into its platform. This feature enables users to engage in face-to-face conversations, facilitating collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community building within the Web3 ecosystem.

Interoperability and Security

Interoperability is a core tenet of Push Protocol's design. By leveraging cryptography and decentralized architecture, the protocol ensures that encrypted conversations can only be decrypted by the intended recipients holding the appropriate keys. This approach not only enhances security but also enables seamless integration with various wallets and protocols, fostering a truly interoperable Web3 ecosystem.

As Harsh Raussa explains, "Anyone who integrates Push, they basically can show you this communication. And it's also secure because we use cryptography to make sure that the encrypted conversation can only be decrypted by someone who holds the keys of that wallet."

Furthermore, Push Protocol incentivizes early adopters through a game-theoretic approach, rewarding wallets and protocols that integrate the platform early on. This strategy not only encourages widespread adoption but also contributes to the growth and development of the Web3 ecosystem as a whole.

With its innovative features and commitment to interoperability and security, Push Protocol is poised to revolutionize the way we communicate and interact within the Web3 landscape, fostering a more connected, informed, and engaged community of users and developers alike.

Partnerships and Community Building

One of the standout collaborations that exemplifies Push Protocol's commitment to fostering vibrant Web3 communities is its partnership with Unstoppable Domains. This integration has empowered over 4 million Unstoppable Domains users with a groundbreaking feature: gated group chats.

"I love Unstoppable Domains," Harsh exclaims. "A lot of protocols in Web3 say that they want innovativeness and say that they want to adopt innovativeness, but some of the protocols they actually do it. And Unstoppable is one of them."

Gated Group Chats: Fostering Focused Communities

The gated group chat feature introduced by Push Protocol addresses a fundamental challenge in Web3 messaging: providing a compelling reason for users to migrate from traditional platforms like Telegram. By leveraging on-chain wallet history and characteristics, Push Protocol enables the creation of exclusive communities tailored to specific interests and qualifications.

Harsh elaborates, "The idea was that the wallets already have on-chain history. Like whatever DeFi apps you have or whatever tokens you have or whatever NFTs you have, and until how long you had those NFTs and until how long you had those tokens, all of the history is actually very, very cool to know and very cool to create a community around."

With gated group chats, users can join communities based on criteria such as being Ethereum whales, holding specific tokens or NFTs, or being developers of certain DeFi apps. This innovative approach unlocks a new paradigm where communities are formed based on loyalty, shared interests, and on-chain characteristics, fostering meaningful conversations and connections among like-minded individuals.

"Now, all of a sudden, you have unlocked this new paradigm wherein you can create gated groups that are focused on loyalty or that are focused on community and community talking among themselves," Harsh explains.

Decentralized and Autonomous Communities

Push Protocol's vision for gated group chats extends beyond mere exclusivity. The protocol is working towards creating decentralized, autonomous groups where even the ownership and administration roles are defined by wallet characteristics. This approach aligns seamlessly with the principles of decentralization and self-sovereignty that underpin the Web3 ecosystem.

"We are working towards this decentralized, autonomous group wherein even the owner is defined by the wallet characteristics, and even the admins can be defined by the wallet characteristics," Harsh states. "And that becomes a really cool way to interact. And it builds on top of Web2, because this is not something you can do on Web2 messaging."

By empowering communities with these innovative features, Push Protocol is not only facilitating meaningful connections but also fostering a sense of ownership and autonomy among Web3 users. This approach aligns seamlessly with the ethos of decentralization, enabling communities to thrive and evolve organically, free from centralized control or influence.

Interoperability and Widespread Adoption

Push Protocol's commitment to interoperability ensures that the benefits of gated group chats and Web3 communication extend far beyond a single platform or protocol. By leveraging cryptography and decentralized architecture, Push Protocol enables seamless integration with various wallets and projects, allowing users to access their messages, conversations, and communities across multiple platforms.

"Practically any protocol or Web3 project can integrate that," Harsh affirms. "And we also have a cool game theory wherein if you integrate with Push Protocol early, you do get rewarded for it. Wallets more than the protocols, because protocols are already there."

This incentive-driven approach not only encourages widespread adoption but also contributes to the growth and development of the Web3 ecosystem as a whole. By fostering a collaborative environment and rewarding early adopters, Push Protocol is paving the way for a more interconnected and vibrant Web3 landscape, where communities can thrive and innovate without boundaries.

Future Prospects and Innovations

As Push Protocol continues to gain traction and adoption within the Web3 ecosystem, its impact extends far beyond the realm of notifications and messaging. The protocol's innovative approach and commitment to interoperability have the potential to shape the future of Web3 communication and collaboration.

Practical Applications and Future Directions

The practical applications of Push Protocol's features are vast and far-reaching. Imagine a future where users can seamlessly engage with decentralized applications (dApps) and protocols, receiving real-time notifications and updates directly to their wallets. This level of integration could revolutionize the way we interact with Web3 services, fostering a more seamless and engaging user experience.

Furthermore, the gated group chat feature opens up new possibilities for community building and collaboration. Developers could leverage this functionality to create focused groups for project discussions, bug reporting, and knowledge sharing, fostering a more collaborative and inclusive environment within the Web3 ecosystem.

Real-World Use Cases

The potential use cases for Push Protocol span various industries and sectors. In the realm of finance, the protocol could enable secure and transparent communication between financial institutions, regulators, and customers, facilitating compliance and trust-building initiatives.

In the gaming industry, Push Protocol could revolutionize the way players interact with each other and with game developers. Imagine receiving real-time updates on in-game events, participating in exclusive communities based on achievements or game assets, and engaging in voice or video chats with fellow gamers.

The healthcare sector could also benefit from Push Protocol's secure communication capabilities. Patients could receive notifications about appointments, test results, and treatment updates directly to their wallets, while healthcare providers could leverage gated group chats for secure consultations and knowledge sharing.

Impact on Web Ecosystem

Push Protocol's impact extends beyond its immediate applications. By fostering a more interconnected and collaborative Web3 ecosystem, the protocol has the potential to drive innovation and accelerate the adoption of decentralized technologies.

As more projects and protocols integrate with Push Protocol, the network effect will amplify, creating a virtuous cycle of adoption and innovation. This, in turn, could attract more developers, entrepreneurs, and users to the Web3 space, further fueling the growth and evolution of the ecosystem.

Future Developments and Innovations

The future of Push Protocol is brimming with exciting possibilities. As the protocol continues to evolve, we can expect to see new features and innovations that further enhance the Web3 communication experience.

  • Decentralized Identity Management: Push Protocol could integrate decentralized identity solutions, enabling users to manage their digital identities and reputations across various Web3 platforms and communities.

  • Artificial Intelligence Integration: The protocol could leverage AI and machine learning technologies to provide intelligent notifications, personalized recommendations, and automated moderation for gated group chats.

  • Decentralized Governance: Push Protocol could explore decentralized governance models, allowing the community to participate in decision-making processes and shaping the future direction of the protocol.

  • Cross-Chain Interoperability: As the Web3 ecosystem continues to expand across multiple blockchain networks, Push Protocol could facilitate cross-chain communication and collaboration, bridging the gap between different ecosystems.

With its innovative approach, commitment to interoperability, and a vibrant community of supporters, Push Protocol is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Web3 communication and collaboration. As the ecosystem continues to evolve, the protocol's impact will extend far beyond its current capabilities, driving innovation and fostering a more interconnected and inclusive Web3 landscape.

Getting Started with Push Protocol

As Push Protocol continues to gain momentum and adoption within the Web3 ecosystem, it's an exciting time for developers, projects, and users to explore the possibilities it offers. Whether you're a developer looking to integrate Push Protocol into your dApp, a project seeking to leverage its communication capabilities, or a user eager to experience the power of Web3 notifications and messaging, getting started is a straightforward process.

For Developers

Developers play a crucial role in driving the adoption and integration of Push Protocol across the Web3 landscape. To get started, developers can follow these steps:

  1. Explore the Documentation: Push Protocol's comprehensive documentation provides detailed guides, tutorials, and code samples to help developers understand the protocol's architecture, features, and integration process.

  2. Set Up a Development Environment: Ensure you have the necessary tools and dependencies installed, such as a compatible Ethereum client, development framework (e.g., Truffle, Hardhat), and any required libraries or packages.

  3. Integrate Push Protocol: Follow the step-by-step integration guides to connect your dApp or project with Push Protocol. This may involve deploying smart contracts, configuring notification channels, and implementing the necessary front-end components.

  4. Test and Debug: Thoroughly test your integration with Push Protocol, ensuring that notifications and messaging functionalities work as expected. Leverage the protocol's testing tools and resources to identify and resolve any issues.

  5. Deploy and Monitor: Once you're satisfied with your integration, deploy your dApp or project to the desired network (e.g., Ethereum mainnet, testnets). Monitor the performance and user engagement metrics, and make adjustments as needed.

Throughout the development process, Push Protocol's active community and support channels are available to assist developers with any questions or challenges they may encounter.

For Projects

Web3 projects can leverage Push Protocol's communication capabilities to enhance user engagement, foster community building, and streamline operations. Here's how projects can get started:

  1. Identify Use Cases: Evaluate your project's communication needs and identify potential use cases for Push Protocol. This could include sending notifications for important events, facilitating secure messaging between team members or community members, or enabling gated group chats for specific user segments.

  2. Integrate Push Protocol: Work with your development team or engage with Push Protocol's integration partners to integrate the protocol into your project's infrastructure. This may involve deploying smart contracts, configuring notification channels, and implementing front-end components.

  3. Onboard Users: Educate your users about the benefits of Push Protocol and provide clear instructions on how to set up and use the communication features within your project. This could involve creating tutorials, guides, or hosting educational webinars.

  4. Monitor and Iterate: Continuously monitor user engagement metrics, gather feedback, and iterate on your implementation based on user needs and preferences. Push Protocol's flexibility allows for ongoing improvements and feature enhancements.

By leveraging Push Protocol, projects can enhance their communication strategies, foster stronger connections with their communities, and stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape.

For Users

As a Web3 user, experiencing the power of Push Protocol's notifications and messaging features is a seamless process. Here's how you can get started:

  1. Choose a Compatible Wallet: Ensure you're using a Web3 wallet that supports Push Protocol integration. Many popular wallets, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and others, have already integrated Push Protocol or have plans to do so in the near future.

  2. Enable Notifications: Within your wallet's settings, enable notifications and configure your preferences. This may involve granting permission for Push Protocol to send notifications to your wallet.

  3. Explore Supported dApps and Projects: Discover the growing list of decentralized applications (dApps) and projects that have integrated Push Protocol. These platforms will offer enhanced communication features, such as real-time notifications, secure messaging, and gated group chats.

  4. Join Communities: Leverage the gated group chat feature to join communities based on your on-chain wallet history and characteristics. Engage with like-minded individuals, participate in discussions, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments within your areas of interest.

  5. Provide Feedback: As you experience Push Protocol's features, provide feedback to the developers and projects you interact with. Your input can help shape the future development and improvement of the protocol, ensuring it continues to meet the evolving needs of the Web3 community.

By embracing Push Protocol, users can unlock a more seamless and engaging Web3 experience, fostering stronger connections, enhanced communication, and a deeper sense of community within the decentralized ecosystem.

Whether you're a developer, project, or user, Push Protocol offers a wealth of opportunities to revolutionize the way we communicate and collaborate in the Web3 landscape. By getting started today, you can be at the forefront of this innovative technology and contribute to shaping the future of decentralized communication.

Wrapping Up: The Future of Web3 Communication with Push Protocol

In the ever-evolving landscape of Web3, Push Protocol emerges as a groundbreaking solution, addressing the critical need for seamless communication within the decentralized realm. By enabling protocols and smart contracts to send notifications, messages, and facilitate audio/video calls directly to users' wallet addresses, Push Protocol has revolutionized the way we interact with Web3 applications.

The necessity of notifications and messaging in our digital lives cannot be overstated. Push Protocol bridges this crucial gap in the Web3 ecosystem, ensuring users remain informed and engaged with the protocols and applications they interact with. From expiring ENS domains to DeFi loan liquidations, yield farming rewards, and governance votes, Push Protocol keeps users up-to-date with critical events, fostering a more seamless and engaging user experience.

Beyond its core functionality, Push Protocol introduces an innovative concept: gated group chats. By leveraging users' on-chain wallet histories and characteristics, the protocol enables the creation of exclusive communities centered around shared interests, token holdings, or NFT ownership. This revolutionary approach fosters a sense of belonging and facilitates meaningful conversations among like-minded individuals within the Web3 ecosystem.

As Push Protocol continues to gain traction and adoption, its impact extends far beyond the realm of notifications and messaging. The protocol's innovative approach and commitment to interoperability have the potential to shape the future of Web3 communication and collaboration. Imagine a future where users can seamlessly engage with decentralized applications (dApps) and protocols, receiving real-time notifications and updates directly to their wallets. Envision developers leveraging gated group chats for focused project discussions, bug reporting, and knowledge sharing, fostering a more collaborative and inclusive environment.

The future of Push Protocol is brimming with exciting possibilities, such as decentralized identity management, artificial intelligence integration, decentralized governance, and cross-chain interoperability. With its vibrant community of supporters and a commitment to driving innovation, Push Protocol is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Web3 communication and collaboration.

As we embark on this journey, the road ahead is filled with opportunities for developers, projects, and users alike. By embracing Push Protocol, we can unlock a more seamless and engaging Web3 experience, fostering stronger connections, enhanced communication, and a deeper sense of community within the decentralized ecosystem. The future of Web3 communication is here, and Push Protocol is leading the charge.

Harsh Rajat


[01:17] Could you give us an overview of Push Protocol for those who aren’t familiar with it yet? 

[05:58] Where did your interest in Web3 and blockchain originate? Was it influenced by your previous jobs or something else?  

[11:16] Could you explain how the Web3 token-gated group messaging feature for Unstoppable Domains works and its benefits? 

[16:51] Can you discuss the opportunities in community messaging on platforms like Telegram and Discord, and how interoperability and integrations with other Web3 projects play a role?  

[19:10] How do you envision Push Protocol contributing to achieving mass adoption in blockchain technology? 

[23:20] What currently excites you the most about Push Protocol or the broader market? 


“Notification is so weaved in our day-to-day lives that everything we do now on the Internet is probably driven by notifications.” 

“The wallets need to have a communication layer built right inside them so that the protocols can communicate to these wallets.” 

“We realized that this decentralized protocol is needed to enable communication for the entire Web3.” 

“Users are not in it for the tech; they are in it for the features.” 

“We need to make sure that when users are trying a new product out, it’s not just the future; it’s ten times more intuitive to use.” 


Push Protocol: https://push.org/