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  • RYO: An Ancient Japanese Currency… Re-born for the Digital Age – with Lani Dizon

RYO: An Ancient Japanese Currency… Re-born for the Digital Age – with Lani Dizon

Japan is strategically positioning itself as a global leader in Web3. While lawmakers and regulators in the U.S., Europe, and other countries in Asia have adopted a cautious stance towards cryptocurrency, Japan continues to boldly champion the advancement of Web3 as a pivotal component of its national strategy.

Lani Dizon is the co-founder of Zenza Capital and the innovative RYO project, Japan's first Layer-1 blockchain launch. In our conversation, we explore how RYO aims to simplify cryptocurrency for mass adoption.

𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝘾𝙧𝙮𝙥𝙩𝙤 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙙, 𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙕𝙚𝙣𝙯𝙖 𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙡, 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤!

Unveiling the Revolutionary RYO Ecosystem

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, a groundbreaking project has emerged, poised to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with digital assets. Introducing the RYO Ecosystem, a visionary endeavor spearheaded by Lani, a trailblazer in the web3 space.

Lani's journey into the crypto realm began in 2011 when her business partner, Anthony Diaz, introduced her to Bitcoin. Despite her entrepreneurial prowess, the complexities of creating a wallet and navigating the crypto landscape proved daunting. This experience ignited a passion within Lani to address the usability challenges hindering mass adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

The Origins of RYO Coin and Zenza Capital

Lani's journey into the crypto realm began with a background in health and wellness, a field she had dedicated herself to for over three decades. Her passion for empowering individuals and fostering entrepreneurial growth took her across the globe, with a particular focus on Japan. It was during this time that her business partner of 30 years, Anthony Diaz, introduced her to the world of Bitcoin in 2011.

Despite her extensive entrepreneurial experience, Lani found the process of creating a Bitcoin wallet and navigating the crypto landscape to be incredibly complex and challenging. The technology was still in its infancy, and the lack of user-friendliness posed a significant barrier to entry for the average person. However, Lani and Anthony recognized the immense potential of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, understanding that it would spawn limitless opportunities and advancements that could change the world.

Driven by a desire to address the usability challenges hindering mass adoption, Lani and Anthony assembled teams dedicated to creating solutions. With Japan serving as the foundation of their business for over three decades, they envisioned RYO, a digital currency rooted in the ancient Japanese currency, reborn for the digital age. This vision sparked the creation of Zenza Capital and the RYO project in 2017, a revolutionary endeavor focused on developing a user-friendly digital payment system that would facilitate cryptocurrency and web3 adoption worldwide.

Lani Dizon - RYO Coin

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

Japan presented a unique set of challenges due to its stringent regulatory framework and unwavering commitment to consumer protection. However, Lani and her team recognized that overcoming these hurdles would position RYO as a leader in the global marketplace. Japan's proactive approach to cryptocurrency regulation, driven by a desire to avoid missing the opportunity as they did with the Internet revolution, resulted in the formation of the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA).

"If you can succeed through the scrutiny and the regulations in Japan, you can basically succeed anywhere." - Lani

With their hands-on experience in Japan over the past 30 years, Lani and her team meticulously built the RYO project from within, ensuring compliance with the strict regulations for long-term stability. This approach not only maintained high standards but also fostered trust and confidence among Japanese consumers, a market known for its demand for quality, convenience, and consumer protection.

Japan's Unique Crypto Landscape

Japan's approach to cryptocurrency regulation is truly unique, driven by a desire to avoid missing the opportunity as they did with the Internet revolution. The country's Financial Services Agency (FSA) has implemented a stringent screening process for listing new cryptocurrencies, with many outside coins failing to pass the initial stages.

To navigate this complex regulatory landscape, the FSA formed the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA), a board comprising top executives from each exchange. Lani and her team have been closely involved with the JVCEA, ensuring that the RYO project is built from within Japan to comply with the strict regulations for long-term stability.

"There's been over 20,000 cryptocurrencies in the global market, but Japan is so much more controlled with stringent regulations. There's only about three dozen coins that are approved and listed on exchanges in Japan." - Lani

Japan's unwavering commitment to consumer protection and quality standards has made it one of the most challenging countries to operate in, especially for foreigners. However, Lani and her team recognized that succeeding in Japan's scrutinous environment would position RYO as a trusted and credible project globally.

By embodying the Japanese culture of honor, trust, and pursuit of perfection, RYO has already garnered significant anticipation and embrace within the Japanese market. This Japan-centric approach has proven to be an asset, as the country's reputation for quality and innovation resonates worldwide, paving the way for RYO's global expansion.

Simplifying Crypto for the Masses

Despite the exponential growth of the crypto space over the past 15 years, the underlying technology remains a barrier for the average person. Lani recognized that the focus on understanding the intricacies of blockchain and cryptocurrencies has hindered mass adoption, as people seek convenience and tangible benefits in their daily lives.

Drawing inspiration from the Internet's evolution, where platforms like Hotmail and Facebook made it easy for people to connect and socialize, Lani and her team set out to demystify cryptocurrency through the RYO ecosystem. Just as we don't need to understand the underlying technology behind cars, washing machines, or payment systems like Visa and PayPal, RYO aims to provide a seamless experience where users can enjoy the benefits and convenience of crypto without delving into the complexities.

"The reality is the majority of people are looking for benefits to convenience. We look at cars and washing machines and Uber, restaurants, Instacart, all this technology, text, email, credit cards, and we never have to learn the underlying technology behind it." - Lani

By shifting the focus from understanding the technology to enjoying the benefits and convenience of crypto for day-to-day transactions, RYO represents a people's crypto project, making cryptocurrency accessible and user-friendly for eveRYOne.

Simplifying Cryptocurrency for Mass Adoption

One of the key challenges in achieving widespread adoption of cryptocurrency has been the complexity surrounding the underlying technology. Lani recognized that the focus on understanding the intricacies of blockchain and cryptocurrencies has hindered mass adoption, as the majority of people seek convenience and tangible benefits in their daily lives.

Drawing inspiration from the Internet's evolution, where platforms like Hotmail and Facebook made it easy for people to connect and socialize, Lani and her team set out to demystify cryptocurrency through the RYO ecosystem. Just as we don't need to understand the underlying technology behind cars, washing machines, or payment systems like Visa and PayPal, RYO aims to provide a seamless experience where users can enjoy the benefits and convenience of crypto without delving into the complexities.

"The reality is the majority of people are looking for benefits to convenience. We look at cars and washing machines and Uber, restaurants, Instacart, all this technology, text, email, credit cards, and we never have to learn the underlying technology behind it." - Lani

By shifting the focus from understanding the technology to enjoying the benefits and convenience of crypto for day-to-day transactions, RYO represents a people's crypto project, making cryptocurrency accessible and user-friendly for eveRYOne.

The RYO Ecosystem: A Comprehensive Solution

To achieve this goal of simplifying cryptocurrency for the masses, Lani and her team have developed a unique and expansive ecosystem that allows RYO to be used for day-to-day transactions. This ecosystem comprises several key components:

  • Proprietary Digital Life Wallet: A user-friendly wallet that stores RYO and other cryptocurrencies, enabling seamless transactions and social features like chat and referral programs.

  • Crypto-Friendly E-Commerce Platform: The first of its kind platform that allows customers and merchants to participate in the new "cryptoeconomy" with trust and confidence.

  • Crypto ATM Network: RYO has obtained the first FSA-approved license to build a crypto ATM network in Japan, making it easy for users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

This comprehensive ecosystem addresses the key challenges of usability, accessibility, and trust, enabling users to seamlessly integrate cryptocurrency into their daily lives. By providing a familiar and intuitive experience, RYO aims to bridge the gap between the crypto world and the mainstream, fostering mass adoption of cryptocurrency as a legitimate and safe method of payment and store of value.

Building a Thriving Community

Recognizing the importance of community building in the web3 space, Lani and her team have employed a high-touch approach to growing the RYO community, particularly in Japan. Over the past six years, they have been passionately educating people through seminars across Japan about cryptocurrency, blockchain, and the limitless opportunities and advancements that this technology will bring.

By bridging the gap between the young and the elderly, RYO has built a strong following of enthusiasts from all age groups, united by a shared pride in being part of this revolutionary movement. The educational seminars and live events have not only fostered a sense of community but also empowered individuals to understand and participate in shaping the future of their children and subsequent generations.

"We've been able to bridge that gap here in Japan between the young and the old by doing educational seminars across Japan and holding frequent live events. The elderly want to understand and be part of their children's future and next generations by participating in this space." - Lani

Through this community-centric approach, RYO has cultivated a passionate and engaged following, laying the foundation for a thriving ecosystem that transcends geographical boundaries and embraces the spirit of inclusivity and empowerment.

The RYO Ecosystem: Simplifying Crypto for Daily Life

At the heart of RYO's mission to simplify cryptocurrency for the masses lies its innovative ecosystem, designed to seamlessly integrate crypto into everyday life. This ecosystem comprises several key components that work together to provide a user-friendly and comprehensive experience.

The Life Wallet: A Multi-Functional Crypto Companion

The centerpiece of the RYO ecosystem is the proprietary Digital Life Wallet, a user-friendly wallet that not only stores RYO and other cryptocurrencies but also incorporates a range of social features and conveniences. With a focus on simplicity and familiarity, the Life Wallet offers:

  • Chat Service: Users can send RYO, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other supported cryptocurrencies through a simple chat interface, fostering seamless peer-to-peer transactions.

  • Connect Feature: Acting as a portal to the digital world, the Life Wallet allows users to access their favorite websites and social media platforms without ever leaving the app.

  • Referral Program: A built-in feature that enables users to share RYO and the Life Wallet with others, earning rewards and incentivizing community growth.

By integrating these social and community-building features, the Life Wallet transcends the traditional concept of a crypto wallet, becoming a multi-functional platform that enhances user engagement while maintaining a user-friendly experience.

Global E-Commerce Integration

Complementing the Life Wallet is RYO's crypto-friendly e-commerce platform, the first of its kind. This platform allows customers and merchants to participate in the "cryptoeconomy" with trust and confidence, enabling the use of RYO and other cryptocurrencies for everyday purchases and transactions.

By seamlessly connecting the Life Wallet to this global e-commerce platform, RYO empowers users to effortlessly integrate cryptocurrency into their shopping and purchasing experiences, further bridging the gap between the crypto world and mainstream adoption.

Crypto ATM Network: Accessibility at Your Fingertips

To further enhance the accessibility and convenience of cryptocurrency, RYO has obtained the first FSA-approved license to build a crypto ATM network in Japan. This groundbreaking initiative aims to establish hundreds of crypto ATMs across the country, with plans to expand to over 2,000 ATMs in the near future.

These ATMs will allow users to easily buy and sell cryptocurrencies, with the purchased funds directly deposited into their Life Wallets. By leveraging Japan's ubiquitous ATM infrastructure, RYO is bringing cryptocurrency to the masses, making it as accessible as traditional banking services.

Through this comprehensive ecosystem, RYO is paving the way for a future where cryptocurrency seamlessly integrates into our daily lives, fostering mass adoption and empowering individuals to participate in the "cryptoeconomy" with confidence and ease.

Fostering a Passionate Community Through Education

While the RYO ecosystem offers a comprehensive solution for simplifying cryptocurrency adoption, Lani and her team recognized the importance of community building and education, particularly in the Japanese market. Over the past six years, they have taken a high-touch approach, passionately educating people through seminars across Japan about cryptocurrency, blockchain, and the limitless opportunities and advancements this technology will bring.

One of the key challenges they addressed was bridging the generational gap, as the cryptocurrency demographic traditionally excludes the older generation. However, RYO's educational efforts have resonated with the elderly, who want to understand and be part of their children's future and the next generations by participating in this space.

"We've been able to bridge that gap here in Japan between the young and the old by doing educational seminars across Japan and holding frequent live events. The elderly want to understand and be part of their children's future and next generations by participating in this space." - Lani

Through these educational seminars and frequent live events, RYO has built a strong following of enthusiasts from all age groups, united by a shared pride in being part of this revolutionary movement. This community-centric approach has not only fostered a sense of belonging but also empowered individuals to understand and actively participate in shaping the future of their children and subsequent generations.

By embracing a high-touch strategy and prioritizing education, RYO has cultivated a passionate and engaged community that transcends geographical boundaries and embraces the spirit of inclusivity and empowerment. This community-driven approach lays the foundation for a thriving ecosystem that extends beyond the technological aspects, fostering a sense of ownership and collective progress towards a more accessible and user-friendly cryptoeconomy.

Embracing Japanese Culture and Heritage

Beyond its technological innovations and community-building efforts, RYO has deeply embraced Japanese culture and heritage, aiming to promote and share these values with a global audience. The project's name itself, "RYO," pays homage to the ancient Japanese currency, symbolizing a rebirth for the digital age.

By embodying the essence of Japanese culture – quality, honor, trust, and the pursuit of perfection – RYO has already garnered significant anticipation and embrace within the Japanese market. Lani's approach with her previous health and wellness products, built on the foundation of Japanese quality and standards, has paved the way for global recognition and acceptance.

"Because I built it in Japan, and built my networks in Japan and created so many testimonials, other countries automatically wanted my products because they understood the quality." - Lani

Leveraging this deep-rooted association with Japanese excellence, RYO aims to extend its reach beyond borders, sharing the richness of Japanese culture with the world. As Lani eloquently stated, "Many people, young and old, are enamored by the mystery of Japan. And for most people, it is on their bucket list to come to Japan."

By weaving the threads of Japanese heritage into the fabric of RYO, the project not only celebrates its roots but also serves as a cultural ambassador, inviting global communities to explore and appreciate the unique traditions and values that have shaped Japan's identity.

Building a Global Community

While RYO's foundations are firmly rooted in Japan, its vision extends far beyond geographical boundaries. The project's team recognizes the universal appeal of Japanese culture and the potential to build a thriving global community united by shared values and aspirations.

Through strategic partnerships, collaborations, and community outreach initiatives, RYO aims to foster connections with individuals and organizations worldwide, creating a diverse and inclusive ecosystem that transcends borders. By embracing the spirit of cultural exchange and mutual understanding, RYO can serve as a bridge, facilitating cross-cultural dialogues and fostering a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of global diversity.

As RYO continues to expand its reach, it carries with it the essence of Japanese culture, inviting individuals from all walks of life to explore, appreciate, and become part of a global movement that celebrates innovation, tradition, and the boundless potential of human ingenuity.

The RYO Convertible Bond: A Pioneering Investment Opportunity

In a groundbreaking move, RYO has introduced the first-ever crypto convertible bond in the industry, offering a unique investment opportunity that combines the benefits of traditional finance with the innovative potential of blockchain technology. This pioneering financial instrument, developed in collaboration with top law firms, provides investors with the flexibility to invest in RYO's vision at an early stage and at the lowest possible price.

The RYO convertible bond represents a significant milestone in bridging the gap between the traditional financial world and the emerging cryptoeconomy. By leveraging a well-established legal framework, RYO has created a secure and regulated investment vehicle that appeals to both institutional and individual investors seeking exposure to the rapidly growing blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝘾𝙧𝙮𝙥𝙩𝙤 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙙, 𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙕𝙚𝙣𝙯𝙖 𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙡, 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤!

Flexibility and Choice

One of the key advantages of the RYO convertible bond is the flexibility it offers investors. Upon maturity, bondholders have the option to either convert their investment into equity shares of the RYO project or receive RYO tokens, the native cryptocurrency of the ecosystem. This choice empowers investors to align their investment strategy with their long-term goals and risk appetite.

For those seeking traditional equity ownership, the option to convert to shares provides a direct stake in the RYO project's growth and success. Alternatively, investors who prefer to participate in the burgeoning cryptoeconomy can opt to receive RYO tokens, which can be used within the RYO ecosystem or traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges.

Early Investment at the Lowest Price

By offering the convertible bond at an early stage, RYO presents investors with a unique opportunity to gain exposure to the project at the lowest possible price. This early investment not only allows investors to capitalize on the potential growth of the RYO ecosystem but also demonstrates their confidence in the project's vision and long-term prospects.

As the RYO ecosystem continues to expand and gain traction, the value of the underlying assets – whether equity shares or RYO tokens – is expected to appreciate, providing early investors with the potential for significant returns on their investment.

Regulatory Compliance and Investor Protection

Recognizing the importance of regulatory compliance and investor protection, RYO has worked closely with top law firms to ensure that the convertible bond adheres to all relevant legal and regulatory frameworks. This commitment to transparency and accountability not only instills confidence in investors but also paves the way for broader adoption and mainstream acceptance of the RYO ecosystem.

By offering a regulated investment vehicle, RYO demonstrates its dedication to fostering a secure and trustworthy environment for investors, further solidifying its position as a pioneer in the intersection of traditional finance and blockchain technology.

The RYO convertible bond represents a significant step forward in the evolution of the cryptoeconomy, offering investors a unique opportunity to participate in a groundbreaking project while benefiting from the flexibility and security of a well-established financial instrument. As RYO continues to push the boundaries of innovation, this pioneering investment vehicle serves as a testament to the project's commitment to bridging the gap between traditional finance and the cutting-edge world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Embracing Regulation and Compliance

As the RYO ecosystem continues to gain traction and expand its global reach, the project has recognized the paramount importance of navigating complex regulatory landscapes and ensuring compliance with global regulations. RYO's commitment to embracing regulation and compliance is not merely a necessity but a core principle that underpins its vision for a secure, transparent, and trustworthy ecosystem.

From the outset, RYO has proactively engaged with legal experts and advisors to ensure that every aspect of its operations, including the pioneering convertible bond offering, adheres to the highest standards of regulatory compliance. This collaborative approach has enabled RYO to stay ahead of the curve, anticipating and addressing potential regulatory challenges before they arise.

Navigating Complex Regulatory Landscapes

The blockchain and cryptocurrency space is a rapidly evolving landscape, with regulatory frameworks varying across different jurisdictions. RYO recognizes the need to navigate this complex terrain with precision and diligence, ensuring that its activities are compliant with the laws and regulations of every region in which it operates.

By working closely with legal professionals and regulatory bodies, RYO has developed a deep understanding of the nuances and intricacies of various regulatory frameworks. This knowledge empowers the project to make informed decisions, adapt its strategies, and implement robust compliance measures tailored to specific jurisdictions.

Prioritizing Consumer Protection and Transparency

At the core of RYO's regulatory compliance efforts lies a steadfast commitment to consumer protection and transparency. The project understands that building trust and confidence among its global community is paramount, and this can only be achieved through unwavering transparency and a dedication to safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders.

RYO has implemented rigorous Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures, ensuring that all transactions and interactions within the ecosystem are thoroughly vetted and monitored. Additionally, the project maintains open lines of communication with regulatory authorities, proactively addressing any concerns or inquiries that may arise.

By prioritizing consumer protection and transparency, RYO not only fosters a secure and trustworthy environment for its community but also paves the way for broader adoption and mainstream acceptance of its innovative solutions.

Collaborating with Legal Experts and Advisors

Recognizing the complexity and ever-evolving nature of regulatory frameworks, RYO has assembled a team of legal experts and advisors who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. This collaborative approach ensures that RYO remains at the forefront of regulatory developments, adapting its strategies and operations as necessary to maintain compliance.

Through ongoing consultations and strategic partnerships with renowned law firms and regulatory advisors, RYO stays informed about the latest regulatory updates, interpretations, and best practices. This proactive approach enables the project to anticipate and address potential challenges before they arise, minimizing risks and ensuring a seamless and compliant journey for all stakeholders.

By embracing regulation and compliance, RYO not only demonstrates its commitment to fostering a secure and trustworthy ecosystem but also positions itself as a pioneer in the intersection of traditional finance and blockchain technology. As the cryptoeconomy continues to evolve, RYO's dedication to navigating complex regulatory landscapes and prioritizing consumer protection will undoubtedly serve as a guiding light, paving the way for broader adoption and mainstream acceptance of its innovative solutions.

The Future of RYO and Zenza Capital

As RYO and Zenza Capital continue to make strides in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, the future holds immense potential for growth, innovation, and global adoption. With a strong foundation built on regulatory compliance, consumer protection, and a pioneering ecosystem, the project is well-positioned to capitalize on the opportunities that lie ahead.

Expanding the Global Community and Adoption

One of the key priorities for RYO and Zenza Capital is to expand their global community and drive widespread adoption of their innovative solutions. While Japan has been the primary focus thus far, the project recognizes the vast potential of the international market and is actively pursuing strategies to increase its global footprint.

Leveraging the power of social media and podcasts, RYO aims to amplify its exposure and reach a broader audience. By engaging with influencers, thought leaders, and industry experts, the project can effectively communicate its vision, share insights, and foster a vibrant community of supporters and enthusiasts worldwide.

Additionally, attending high-profile events and conferences will provide invaluable networking opportunities, enabling RYO and Zenza Capital to connect with potential partners, investors, and industry stakeholders. These face-to-face interactions will not only raise awareness about the project but also facilitate collaborations and strategic partnerships that can accelerate global adoption.

Continuous Innovation and Development

Innovation is at the heart of RYO and Zenza Capital's ethos, and the team remains committed to continuously enhancing and expanding the ecosystem. By staying attuned to emerging trends, technological advancements, and user feedback, the project can identify new opportunities and develop cutting-edge solutions that address evolving market needs.

One area of focus will be the integration of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, into the RYO ecosystem. These technologies have the potential to streamline processes, enhance user experiences, and unlock new functionalities that could revolutionize the way people interact with blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Furthermore, RYO and Zenza Capital will continue to explore partnerships and collaborations with other industry leaders, fostering an environment of open innovation and cross-pollination of ideas. By leveraging the collective expertise and resources of multiple stakeholders, the project can accelerate its development roadmap and deliver even more value to its global community.

Driving Mainstream Adoption

Ultimately, the overarching goal for RYO and Zenza Capital is to drive mainstream adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. By creating a user-friendly, secure, and regulatory-compliant ecosystem, the project aims to bridge the gap between the traditional financial world and the emerging cryptoeconomy.

Through continued education and outreach efforts, RYO and Zenza Capital will strive to demystify the complexities of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, making them accessible and understandable to a broader audience. By fostering trust and confidence in their solutions, the project can pave the way for widespread adoption across various industries and sectors.

As the world continues to embrace digital transformation, the demand for innovative financial solutions will only grow. RYO and Zenza Capital are well-positioned to capitalize on this demand, offering a pioneering ecosystem that combines the best of traditional finance with the cutting-edge potential of blockchain technology.


If you're intrigued by the vision and potential of RYO and Zenza Capital, there are several ways to learn more and get involved. First and foremost, visit RYOcoin.com, where you'll find a wealth of information about the project, including a comprehensive introductory video that encapsulates the essence of RYO's mission and ecosystem.

For those interested in the pioneering convertible bond offering, head over to Realbond.com, where you can explore the details of this groundbreaking financial instrument and potentially participate in this unique investment opportunity.

Additionally, Lani encourages you to share this podcast episode with your network, spreading awareness about RYO and Zenza Capital's innovative approach to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. By fostering a vibrant community of supporters and enthusiasts, we can collectively contribute to the mainstream adoption of these transformative technologies.

Remember, the future of finance is rapidly evolving, and projects like RYO and Zenza Capital are at the forefront of this revolution. By embracing regulation, prioritizing consumer protection, and continuously innovating, they are paving the way for a more secure, transparent, and accessible financial ecosystem for all.

So, take the first step today. Explore the resources provided, share your newfound knowledge with others, and join the growing community of individuals who recognize the immense potential of blockchain and cryptocurrencies to reshape the global financial landscape.

Embracing RYO: The People's Crypto Project

The RYO Ecosystem, spearheaded by visionary Lani, represents a groundbreaking endeavor that aims to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with digital assets. By addressing the usability challenges that have hindered mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, RYO has emerged as a true "people's crypto project," making this transformative technology accessible and user-friendly for eveRYOne.

At the heart of RYO's mission lies a comprehensive ecosystem designed to seamlessly integrate cryptocurrency into our daily lives. The proprietary Digital Life Wallet, a user-friendly platform for storing and transacting with RYO and other cryptocurrencies, serves as the centerpiece of this ecosystem. Complemented by a crypto-friendly e-commerce platform and a pioneering crypto ATM network, RYO empowers users to effortlessly embrace the benefits and convenience of crypto for everyday transactions.

Beyond its technological innovations, RYO has cultivated a passionate and engaged community through a high-touch approach, bridging the generational gap and empowering individuals to understand and actively participate in shaping the future of their children and subsequent generations. By embracing Japanese culture and heritage, RYO has garnered significant anticipation and embrace within the Japanese market, positioning itself as a trusted and credible project with global appeal.

As we stand at the precipice of a new era, where the lines between traditional finance and the cryptoeconomy blur, RYO's pioneering convertible bond offering represents a significant milestone. This groundbreaking financial instrument not only provides investors with a unique opportunity to participate in RYO's vision but also exemplifies the project's commitment to regulatory compliance and consumer protection.

The future holds immense potential for RYO and Zenza Capital, as they continue to expand their global community, drive continuous innovation, and pave the way for mainstream adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. By fostering trust, transparency, and accessibility, RYO is poised to reshape the global financial landscape, empowering individuals worldwide to embrace the transformative potential of the cryptoeconomy.

So, take the first step today. Explore the resources provided, share your newfound knowledge with others, and join the growing community of individuals who recognize the immense potential of blockchain and cryptocurrencies to reshape the world we live in. Embrace RYO, the people's crypto project, and be part of a revolution that will redefine the future of finance.

 Lani Dizon


[01:14] Could you please share the backstory of the RYO coin? 

[04:49] How do you plan to address the diverse market challenges and opportunities between Japan and the USA for the RYO coin? 

[10:46] How is RYO demystifying cryptocurrency for beginners, especially those with no prior experience, and what strategies are being used? 

[14:40] Could you explain the different components of the RYO ecosystem, such as the Life Wallet, for our listeners? 

[18:04] Can you elaborate on the social features integrated into the Life Wallet? 

[19:59] What strategies does RYO employ to grow its community? 

[23:32] Are you currently most excited about the upcoming launch of RYO, or is there another development or project that's capturing your attention at the moment? 


“So achieving simplicity and usability for mass adoption is truly the test that it's going to work.” 

“And our goal is to represent crypto for the people. This is the people's crypto project. That's our goal in simplifying.” 

“So we have built a very strong following of real enthusiasts from men, women of every age group, who are very proud to be part of this world changing project.” 

“And so we're very excited for people to discover Ryo. And so we're now growing and nurturing our global community outside of Japan.” 

“We're also very excited that we have the first crypto convertible bond ever created in this industry.” 


𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝘾𝙧𝙮𝙥𝙩𝙤 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙙, 𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙕𝙚𝙣𝙯𝙖 𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙡, 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤!

RYO Coin: https://ryocoin.com/ 

RYO Bond: https://ryobond.com/