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  • S1 E04 Why You Should have the Same Technology Experience at Work and at Home – with Rachel James

S1 E04 Why You Should have the Same Technology Experience at Work and at Home – with Rachel James

My guest for this episode is Rachel James, Chief Marketing Officer at Applaud. We discussed the situation during the lockdown. We also gave each other our opinion about the differences in online and virtual meetings.


[00:15] How are you today?

[00:33] Tell us a bit about yourself.

[01:10] When did you join Applaud?

[01:50] What is the activity of your company?

[05:20] What where some of the challenges that you had to overcome with your company?

[08:03] What’s one big lesson that you've learned the last period?

[10:45] Has there been a big difference when it comes to results for your company coming out of those virtual events, comparing to the physical events?

[17:33] What is the favorite channel of your company when it comes to media?

[22:33] What has been a tactic that you would like to share with our listeners, something that has worked?

[26:08] What is the best place that people can connect with you?


·        When you're at work, you should have the same technology experiences that you have when you're at home.

·         I think I learned as much just from the conversations that I had with people, like over lunch over drinks at dinner as much as I did from the amazing speakers they had on stage 

·        It's great to see that evolution, and that where we are now that everyone's kind of companies are being forced to be more authentic, individuals are being more authentic.


·        LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/racheljames1

·        Website: https://www.applaudhr.com/about-us