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  • S1 E08 How to Use Reddit for Marketing – with Louise del Rosario Jensen

S1 E08 How to Use Reddit for Marketing – with Louise del Rosario Jensen

My guest for this episode is Louise del Rosario Jensen, Marketing Manager at Digital Hub Denmark. We talked about marketing subject like how to use Reddit.


[00:08] How are you today?

[00:47] Are you originally from Denmark?

[01:30] Tell us a bit about yourself and your professional activities.

[06:18] What is  the first destination that you will go to?

[07:05] Are there other challenges that you expect to have?

[11:40] Will you be using social media?

[17:02] Can you tell us a bit about how you are using Reddit?

[21:56] How can people connect with you?


·        The plan is not to have a plan, but just to see wherever life takes.

·        You have to really know your audience, and really target the audience not with like generic content, you have to make it clear that this is only for you.

·        But every social media when you want to succeed, you need to put the effort to succeed. If not, it won't work.