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  • S1 E40 How to Get Results on LinkedIn – with Daniel Alfon

S1 E40 How to Get Results on LinkedIn – with Daniel Alfon

Today's guest is Daniel Alfon, LinkedIn author, expert and trainer.

Daniel is the  author of the book "Build a LinkedIn Profile for Business Success". He opened his LinkedIn account in early 2004. He holds a Master's Degree in English from La Sorbonne Nouvelle and helped thousands of entrepreneurs and consultants grow their business.Warning: he loves busting LinkedIn myths!

KEY HIGHLIGHTS[01:00] Who is Danielle Alfon?[01:42] Tell us a bit about how did it all start? Why did you go to LinkedIn and what were your first experiences back in 2004?[03:23] What would you say on LinkedIn now today?[04:51] Can you explain that your LinkedIn profile is like a mini website?[06:17] What is your vision about networking on LinkedIn?[12:06] Does this mean that you have at a certain moment cleaned up your list with people? Or are you just really selective in accepting people?[16:41] Do you have any information about using a maximum of 3 hashtags?[17:22] Do you have any tips to share about the profile's headline?[19:44] What is the best actual action that you expect from the visitors?[26:11] What is the best advice for people if they don't have so much time? Is it creating content or putting more time into engaging with others?[28:59] What would be the best content that works for promoting a book?

RESOURCESHow to Build in LinkedIn Profile for Business Successdanielalfon.com